O Several studies have identified a positive correlation between meditation and stress Tip: You can also summarize and cite multiple sources within the same sentence: Serotonin in the brain (Yanovski & Yanovski, 2002, p.

O Sibutramine suppresses appetite by blocking the reuptake of the neurotransmitters This is fine, too, as long as it’s already clear whose ideas you’re describing: O Yanovski and Yanovski (2002) explained that sibutramine suppresses appetite byīlocking the reuptake of the neurotransmitters serotonin in the brain (p. Long as it’s clear whose words are whose from the context or previous sentence. È Paraphrases or summaries (in your own words) do not always require a Signal Phrase, as Questions about the implications of the study’s findings for a wider demographic. O Lopez (1993) found that “the effect disappeared within minutes” (p. Improved with a Signal Phrase and clarifying commentary: “TheĮffect disappeared within minutes” (Lopez, 1993, p. O But the results of the experiment did not have long-lasting positive changes. È Avoid “dropping” direct quotations without warning. O Suzuki, Reed, and Sharp (1999) proposed that “.” (p. You can also include your own thoughts and analysis in the same sentence, after the page #: Remember to include the page number in parentheses right after every direct quote. ✔ APA in-text citation tip: Page Numbers for Direct Quotes

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