Tooth and tail commanders
Tooth and tail commanders

"Revolution gotta start somewhere!"The one armed Hopper leads the numerous red-clad Commonfolk to a new future. Bellafide's ultimate fate is unknown, and it's unknown if he was killed by the system he intended to overthrow. What Happened to the Mouse?: By the end, the Longcoats were dragged down by food shortages and constant fighting against three larger and more organized factions, before the Borises come to finish them all off.He is trying to change society for the better but uses violence rather than diplomacy in doing so, and things just snowball from there. Well-Intentioned Extremist: Bellafide is a noble person at heart, but his methods and intent are twisted by revenge and the cruel reality of war.This likely springs from his own past, as he was a lowborn boxer who pulled himself up by his own efforts into wealth and respectability. Social Darwinist: In spite of his noble goals against the Civilized and their Harvest system, he seems to believe that those who pull their weight could achieve anything and the poor in general are those too lazy to rise up, rather than people kept at their level by societal constraints.Self-Made Man: He was a formerly an impoverished boxer who rose up to the wealthy section of society.Screw the Rules, I Have Money!: After his son was harvested by the Civilized (all done legally due to the laws of the society), Bellafide uses his own money to hire a private army to try overthrowing the laws that have been established for years before the events in the story.As a result, a lot of his forces don't hesitate to sell their faction out if it serves their immediate individual interests. Instead, most are just mercenary Hired Guns who have been rallied to his cause by potential upswings in business and the prospect of being reliably paid and fed. Only in It for the Money: Most of Bellafide's forces are not loyal to him due to their belief in his mission to remake their society.Non-Idle Rich: He is quite active for an aristocratic leader.

tooth and tail commanders

  • Might Makes Right: A variant, where he intends for those who don't end up contributing to society are the ones who end up being slaughtered for dinner.
  • While Archimedes probably deserves it, his insults towards Hopper (calling her a huzzy) and the Quartermaster (accusing her of ignobility and treason) are a little uncalled for, especially since Hopper provided the Longcoats with a lot of help.
  • Kick the Dog: Several of his taunts toward his enemies are this.
  • He does end up avenging his son, just not in the way he imagined.
  • It's Personal: Started the civil war after his son was harvested.
  • Their friendship lasts until it's clear that there isn't enough food for both their armies to share.
  • Interclass Friendship: He initially befriends the commoner Hopper in hopes of an alliance to overthrow the Civilized.
  • While the Harvest lottery was rigged in the favor of its organizers, Bellafide doesn't seem to have been aware.
  • Hypocrite: He had no problems with meat-eating or the Harvest, only the fact that his son ended up a victim of it.
  • tooth and tail commanders

    Ends up fighting a desperate dragging war that leaves swathes of animals dead, and his vision abandoned in favor of merely survival. He Who Fights Monsters: Starts the war in a heroic attempt to avenge his son and create a new society based on social merit rather than a corrupt oligarchy.

    tooth and tail commanders

    but that's only for other animals, as he looks down on the Fat Borises with utter disdain and contempt.

  • Fantastic Racism: Bellafide is committed, honorable, and believes in the inner potential of anyone regardless of class.
  • In role, however, he seems to fit closer to Alexander Kerensky.
  • Expy: The creators based his looks on Theodore Roosevelt.
  • Book Ends: Bellafide starts the war and could potentially be the last faction standing before being overwhelmed by the Boris uprising.
  • Blue Is Heroic: Rallies his forces under a blue banner, though how truly "heroic" his actions are is definitely up in the air.
  • #Tooth and tail commanders free#

    Bad-Guy Bar: Depending on your perspective of course (playing as the Longcoats would make it a Good-Guy Bar), but the Longcoats' base of operations is the "Old South Distillery", where Uncle Butters serves as the head chef, and Squirrels are free to get drunk off of Acorn brew.Badass Longcoat: And you better believe it!.Bellafide: You will read the word 'vengeance' from the heel of my boot!

    Tooth and tail commanders